Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hall and Oates- How Does It Feel To Be Back

"It's been a long time, I shouldna left you..."-Eric B and Rakim.
But I kinda didn't have a choice.
My laptop left the land of the living early last year.
With it went my easy access to this here blog.
But for Christmas this year, my sweet little Wifey, went and got me a new one.
Therefore, I am happy to announce that Tone Deaf Tunes is BACK!
This is something that I truly enjoy and maybe there is somebody out there that enjoys it as well.
It is my intention to, at least, get a post in once or twice a week, but sometimes life happens and you can't control it.
So some weeks may bring more, some may bring less.
Somebody ask me how it feels to be back.
Go ahead...somebody ask me.
Oh, thank you Hall and Oates... It feels pretty good.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Def Leppard-Photograph

Several months ago my bride started a photography business. She definitely has an eye for it. She recently took pictures of my son after he turned 9 years old. Looking at those pics, it's hard to believe "The Bear" is 9. Initially, I didn't think he was gonna make it. All colicky and junk. Plus, he was born at a stressful time in our lives. A new baby, loss of job, an impending move, and a new business. He definitely fed off of our stress. He barely slept until he was 2. Amazingly, now he is our best sleeper. I love this kid. He has an amazing heart. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for him. Go to www. abundantlifeimages.com to see more.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


I hired a consultant a few years back. I figure it ended up costing me about 90 thousand dollars. The particular "plan" he created for me didn't exactly work. However... A smart man told me once to "Eat the meat and spit out the bones". I can't say that I didn't learn anything. He once said that one of the biggest problems is that we get in our own way. We get in our own way. Is it pride? Is it the thought that we have all the answers? I realized that I've got nuthin'. Yeah, that's nuthin' with an n'. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. But, I can do nuthin' by my dang self. There is a point in your life that you realize that you are the problem. And to make things right, you just gotta get yourself outta the way. The "background" is not a bad place to be. Especially, if the "foreground" is taken by the Creator and the Orchestrator.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Matisyahu-King Without A Crown

I like music that gives you a little surprise.
You know what I mean?
You see this guy that looks like a nice Jewish rabbi, and then he picks up a microphone and this crazy reggae/hip-hop fusion comes flowing out.
It reminds me of a quote by Heraclitus (c.535 BC - 475 BC): "If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it; for it is hard to be sought out, and difficult".
It also reminds me of a Bible verse.
"The Son of man will come at an hour that you do not expect Him."These are words from Matthew 24:44.
The Bible teaches that Jesus will return to Earth again.
This time to remove those that have put their faith in Him to an eternal home in Heaven.
He will come like a thief in the night.  Without warning.
But unlike the title of the smooth Matisyahu, He will come this time as a KING with many crowns.
For this reason you must be ready.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Prodigy- Firestarter

Thursday is "haircut day" for me.
Whoop-ti-doo, right?
I've seen your head, you say.
Yes, I am totally aware that a haircut for me is quite different than what it is for most.
I've dealt with this for almost 20 years now.
That was about the point that I gave up.
I was done with pretending that I wasn't losing my hair.
And so I buzzed it.
First, with just a number 3 guard all over.
Now I'm at no guard.
Why every week, you ask?
Have you ever seen Bozo?
That is me after about 3 weeks.
But, hey...don't feel sorry for me.
Cause I ain't sweating it.
Wifey/Rosie (I still need to get to that story) says that I would look weird with hair.
I'm not sure exactly how to take that.
So, sometimes I will trade with a stylist for chiropractic services.
But most times it's just me in my bathroom with a pair of clippers.
Since I can't change my hairstyle much, I usually switch up my facial hair every few months.
Although, after watching this video, I think I can still hook up this 'do.
What'cha think?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Amede Ardoin- Blues de Basile

Last week, I took my Mom to lunch for her birthday.
We met at Pappadeaux for a little Cajun celebration.
I don't care what time of year it is, Winter or Summer, if I have the chance to have some good gumbo, I'm not gonna hesitate.
In honor of our visit, I thought I would give ya'll a little Cajun music history.
Amede Ardoin is credited by Louisiana music scholars with laying the groundwork for Cajun music in the early 20th century.
He is known for his high-pitched singing voice and his skills on the Cajun accordian.
Legend has it that on his way home from playing a house dance, he was attacked by some white men that were angry because a white woman, the daughter of the house, lent Ardoin a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off of his face.
He was run over by a Model A car that crushed his head and damaged his vocal cords.
He was found alive the next morning lying in a ditch.
It was said that he went "plumb crazy" after that and he spent his last days in a mental asylum, where he supposedly died.
There are no definitive records of his death.
On a lighter note, Happy Birthday Mom!

Monday, May 2, 2011

12 Stones- The Way I Feel

OK, I'm not gonna be productive today until I get this down.
I went to bed last night and was asleep for not quite an hour when my bride woke me up and told me that bin Laden was dead.
I laid there for a minute taking it in and decided that, unlike the Royal Wedding last week, this was something that I didn't want to miss.
So, I got up and went in the living room where we watched the reports unfold.
I'm not proud of the words that were in my head, or my first reaction that I posted on Facebook last night.
As an American, I'm glad that the number one terrorist in the world was brought to justice last night.
I'm glad that the victims from 9/11, as well as those that have sacrificed since then, may have some degree of closure from this event.
I've had alot of anger since 9/11. 
Not constant anger...situational anger, I guess you would call it.
Anger that rises whenever I watch one of the movies that were made based on the events of that day.
Anger whenever I remember the celebration on the streets in certain areas of the world when the towers fell.
You see, I have a relative that was on the way to work in the Amex building, across from the World Trade Center, on September 11, 2001.
She was safe, but obviously, devastated.
I'm not sure if you ever completely heal from something like that.
So, when I heard the news last night, and even the continued processing of everything this morning, there are alot of emotions going on.
As a Christian, I know that Jesus said to love our enemies.
I read this in the Old Testament: "As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live" Ez. 33:11.
I also know that God is just, and the Israelites celebrated after the defeat of Goliath, the Egyptians, etc.
But, I'm not comfortable with the open celebrations either.
I honestly don't know what the proper reaction should be to this.
I do know that I don't like feeling this way.