Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Son House- Levee Camp Moan

So, evidently I'm a day late if I wanted to be depressed.
That is according to British psychologist, Cliff Arnall.
He has declared the third Monday of January "Blue Monday."
He looked at various factors that put people in the dumps and then figured out where they intersected on the calendar.
He cited the come-down of getting back to work after the weekend, gloomy weather, bills from Christmas coming due and regrets over broken New Year’s resolutions.
Dr. Alan Manevitz, a clinical psychiatrist at Lenox Hill Hospital, heartily disagrees because studies show most suicides take place on Wednesdays.
(Am I the only one that hopes there is no grant money surrounding all of this "science"?)
Manevitz also points out that, here in the States, yesterday was MLK Day and many of people were off of work or school, so there is less likelihood of being depressed on a day off.
So we'll celebrate Blue Tuesday today with Son House, acoustic Blues singer and guitarist.
Let the self-pity begin.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Band- The Weight

It's that time of year.
Time for those resolutions.
Personally, I prefer goal-setting.
I guess it's all the same, but instead of just putting something out there like, "I'm gonna be a better person this year" or "I need to lose a few pounds", goal setting seems more measurable.
For me, I weighed in on January 1, 2012, 8 pounds lighter than I was the same time last year.
Not bad, but I've got 15 more to go. 
I don't necessarily have to get it gone all this year, but I want to see more progress.
In order to achieve success, I've got to create some action steps behind that goal--things that I can do a little of every day to push in the right direction.
Then, I've got to do it.
That's the hard part, right?
Actually, doing the thing.
But, willpower is a force to be reckoned with once you've made up your mind.
That's why, after the kiddos are dropped at school tomorrow, I'll be the one on the track trying to keep up with my hot wife.
Time to take a load off.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hall and Oates- How Does It Feel To Be Back

"It's been a long time, I shouldna left you..."-Eric B and Rakim.
But I kinda didn't have a choice.
My laptop left the land of the living early last year.
With it went my easy access to this here blog.
But for Christmas this year, my sweet little Wifey, went and got me a new one.
Therefore, I am happy to announce that Tone Deaf Tunes is BACK!
This is something that I truly enjoy and maybe there is somebody out there that enjoys it as well.
It is my intention to, at least, get a post in once or twice a week, but sometimes life happens and you can't control it.
So some weeks may bring more, some may bring less.
Somebody ask me how it feels to be back.
Go ahead...somebody ask me.
Oh, thank you Hall and Oates... It feels pretty good.