Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hall and Oates- How Does It Feel To Be Back

"It's been a long time, I shouldna left you..."-Eric B and Rakim.
But I kinda didn't have a choice.
My laptop left the land of the living early last year.
With it went my easy access to this here blog.
But for Christmas this year, my sweet little Wifey, went and got me a new one.
Therefore, I am happy to announce that Tone Deaf Tunes is BACK!
This is something that I truly enjoy and maybe there is somebody out there that enjoys it as well.
It is my intention to, at least, get a post in once or twice a week, but sometimes life happens and you can't control it.
So some weeks may bring more, some may bring less.
Somebody ask me how it feels to be back.
Go ahead...somebody ask me.
Oh, thank you Hall and Oates... It feels pretty good.

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