Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Prodigy- Firestarter

Thursday is "haircut day" for me.
Whoop-ti-doo, right?
I've seen your head, you say.
Yes, I am totally aware that a haircut for me is quite different than what it is for most.
I've dealt with this for almost 20 years now.
That was about the point that I gave up.
I was done with pretending that I wasn't losing my hair.
And so I buzzed it.
First, with just a number 3 guard all over.
Now I'm at no guard.
Why every week, you ask?
Have you ever seen Bozo?
That is me after about 3 weeks.
But, hey...don't feel sorry for me.
Cause I ain't sweating it.
Wifey/Rosie (I still need to get to that story) says that I would look weird with hair.
I'm not sure exactly how to take that.
So, sometimes I will trade with a stylist for chiropractic services.
But most times it's just me in my bathroom with a pair of clippers.
Since I can't change my hairstyle much, I usually switch up my facial hair every few months.
Although, after watching this video, I think I can still hook up this 'do.
What'cha think?

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