Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Jennifer Knapp- Better Off

Recently Christian music artist Jennifer Knapp "came out" that she was gay. This has prompted many varied reactions as you can expect. One question that I've heard is, "Can you be Christian and gay?" I'd like to offer my viewpoint.
At the get-go, I'll say that I have a few people that I am close to that are gay. These are people that are awesome, loving people that contribute alot to my life. That being said, I personally don't buy the theory that someone is born gay. I feel that most people have certain weaknesses. If you don't like that word, we'll say tendencies. One person can sit down and drink a beer and then be on their way. Another person can drink the same beer and have to have 4 more. So, in order to have control in their life, that second person should safeguard themselves from being in situations that expose them to that temptation. In other words, learn how to suppress the desire for the drink. I, being a man, am drawn to the figure of a beautiful woman. However, in order to keep my marriage and family life safe, I have had to train my eyes away from looking at such women. So, if someone has an attraction to someone else of the same sex, I think that it is possible to learn how to deal with that and still function normally in society.
Everyone has an opinion. Ultimately, it comes down to truth. God's word is truth. Sin is sin is sin. It doesn't matter if it is adultery, homosexuality, drunkenness, lying, etc. It all requires us to look beyond ourselves for a cure.
That's where Grace steps in. Jesus paid it all. For all of us that will give ourselves to Him and desire to follow His commands.
As far as Jennifer is concerned, I've always liked her music. And her new release that is out today looks to be very well done. If you like it, go buy it. If you don't, go burn your old Jennifer Knapp albums that you used to like before you read this.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sweetheart. I bet that was hard to write. We love our friends and family regardless of what sin they struggle with. Just as, we hope, they will love through our own struggles with sin.

    Jennifer's song is beautiful.
