Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Beatles- Come Together

Recently, conservative radio talk show host, Dr. Laura Schlessinger announced that she will not be renewing her contract at the end of the year.  This stems from a recent call that she took.
Jade called in to Dr. Laura's show with a complaint about her husband.
Jade is a black woman and she is married to a white man.
She states that her husband's friends and family make racist comments in front of her, and her husband doesn't check them, and it's hurting Jade's feelings.
Instead of addressing the issue, Dr. Laura begins to "teach" her caller what is, and what is not a racial comment.  Apparently, to Dr. Laura, there is no such thing as a racial comment.
She thinks that because a comedian uses the term "nigger" on HBO, that it's open game for everybody.
This is the FREAKING 21st Century!!!  We're still having this conversation?!?!
For crying out loud!!!
To anybody that cares...the word is offensive.  Just don't use it.
That goes for the HBO comics, too.
If we ever want to get past this, then there has to be no more of the "my side, your side" mentality.
Dr. Laura said that "black people voted for Obama just beacuse he was black."
That's probably true in some cases.
But some white people didn't vote for him just because he was black.
And that's the sad truth, as well.
Slavery is history.
Most people that are alive today 1) Wish it never happened; and 2) Don't understand why it happened in the first place.
I think it's important sometimes to look back, but mostly to see where you screwed up so you don't screw up again and so you can make the future better.
It's more important to move forward.
I mean, "Can't we all just get along?"
I hope that Jade and her husband gets professional counseling.
Respect and dignity are not something to be poo-pooed.

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