Friday, August 13, 2010

Kari Jobe- The More I Seek You

There is a new song by a guy named Jason Gray that, I believe, really captures the essence of Christianity.
Some of the lyrics are:  "Give me rules, I will break them.  Show me lines, I will cross them.  I need more than a truth to believe.  I need a truth that lives, moves, and breathes...Give me words, I'll misuse them.  Obligations, I'll misplace them.  'Cause all religion ever made of me was just a sinner with a stone tied to my feet.  It never set me free."
"It's gotta be more like falling in love than something to believe in.
More like losing my heart than giving my allegience."
Religion can bring discipline, but it can't set you free from yourself.
We're all goofs, of which I am the chief.  (Paraphrase from the Apostle Paul.)
Religion will help point that out.
But if you take the time and investigate "the love letter" that was written specifically to you, and understand the depth of the love, the sacrifice that was made, and observe the passion that God shows for you each day, simply by making the sun come up, then your stone heart is able to melt before the One that has gone to the ends of the Earth, just for you.
Jason's song goes on to say:  "It was love that made me a believer in more than a name, a faith, a creed.
Falling in love with Jesus brought the change in me."
This song by worship leader Kari Jobe has a similar tone.
If you're having trouble believing that anyone could love you that much, do a little experiment.
Tonight, look out at the stars.  The Bible says that they are "signs and tokens of God's provident care."
Yes, the light show is just for you, too.

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